Something different…
hey there Mama …
You owe yourself that love you so freely give to others.
Recently we asked some Mums to step out of their comfort zone (and mine too!) and we did a casual sexy/personal indoor session together. These sessions were just a simple reminder that sometimes we need to take time out for ourselves too. These are beautiful memories to look back on when we are older and have grandchildren running around!
Here’s how it all started…
Over the past few months I have had some people ask whether I offer boudoir sessions (the full on studio style, airbrushed/photoshopped lingerie sessions). As most of you would already know, that is 100% not my thing - I always try to keep my photos as natural and real as possible so I felt as though I couldn't work with that style.
However, I had a vision which I don't even know how you would describe it - casual sexy maybe? I don't really know... but I reached out to some beautiful women (two of them almost in their 30s, 2-3 kids each) and just doing their day-to-day Mum gig. Being a Mum is great and being their for your children and helping them grow into amazing little humans is seriously the greatest gift. I do get that as I feel the same. But after years of dedicating almost every waking minute to your husband and children, sometimes us Mums can feel a little bit lost - as though we have lost our identity. That's why I love the quote I posted above, we so freely give our love, time, energy and effort to everyone around us...but what about ourselves? This year my goal is to try make some more 'me' time - maybe see a couple of friends for a change, maybe even have a hot cup of coffee?!!
With this in mind, we had two Mums come and visit me at a beautiful location (not the full white studio/clinical style venue), but an Air BnB which had so much warmth to it and a beautiful back story. In the early 1900s, it was originally an old corner store. The owner said that some older gentlemen that are now Uber drivers in the area told her that they used to ride their bikes down to this very corner store and pick up their bag of lollies on the weekend. The floor boards were still the original floor boards and I instantly fell in love with the house. I knew this was the perfect place to run my sessions!
When I reached out to the Mums, I didn't even know how to explain the style I was going for - it was tasteful and not over the top at all. They trusted me and I was definitely out of my comfort zone - give me a sunset and I can definitely work some magic.. .but this was totally new to me, and new to them too. What I wanted to achieve in each session was something unique to each of the women, and something that they can feel proud to show their kids and their grandchildren one day. A memory of their youth and how beautiful you can be - even at 30 and after children.
It forced them to stop - do their hair and makeup (instead of that quick 2 min Mum makeup job every morning), put on some nice clothes (or forced them to go and buy something that made them feel good, because I know we are normally just buying clothes for our kids right?), and then take a break and actually do something for themselves. Most of the images are just a simple lace bra and jeans or denim shorts… you can be sexy like this - you don’t need stockings and high heels! Some of the Mums opted for a few raunchy shots too (private images for their husband) and that is okay too :) we still try to keep it natural and warm, with the help of a beautiful location too it is unique to you and it’s not airbrushed, because you are sexy now… your partner/husband will want to see the real you! xo
We all know that quote "you can't pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first", and this is what I hope I helped these Mamas do during our session! And now they also have these beautiful photos and memories to treasure forever. And some special ones just for their husband too! x
Interested in a session?
We will be offering these 'casual sexy' sessions in the near future (more info to come in the next few weeks) but if you are interested, send us a message and we will pop your name down to contact you once we have finalised our next available sessions. Or email us at